
Thursday, February 11, 2010

Baby Showers Everywhere

Tis the season for baby showers I guess.  In the past 5 days I have been to two showers already and I have another one on Saturday, and next Saturday too!  Not to mention one a few weeks ago.  Well after I got three invites to showers within two days, I decided to make a few home-made gifts.  It was fun and challenging but I did it.  I made these burp cloths out of cloth diapers.  It turned out to be quite fun.  I didn't take a picture of all of them but you get the idea.

Last summer, my best friend and brother Joseph and his wife had a little boy and I decided to make home-made booties for them along with giving them a Baby Bjorn (which all my siblings swear by).  Anyway, the booties turned out to be fun to make and kind of cute so I decided to make more for gifts.  Here are the two that I made for Marse and Sara for the diaper cakes we gave them.

Speaking of diaper cakes, here they are too!  Whitney, Tiffany and I put these together for Marianne and Sara's shower.  Marianne was in on the cake for Sara but we couldn't let her help because then she'd see her gift too(sorry Marse).  They were so fun to put together and we were really proud of the result.  I don't think any of us really knew what to expect but in the end they worked!  If only Sara could have been at her shower to enjoy the centerpiece!  Oh well - I'm sure she enjoyed her own little bundle of joy at the hospital!  She had her son, Duncan James Rich the morning of the shower at 5:30.  We all missed having her at the party.

I also made bear sugar cookies for handouts at the shower.  Bless my mom - the best and most patient sugar cookie froster in the world.  She came over and helped me frost 43 bear cookies and that is definately NOT her favorite past-time.  I enjoy making and decorating cookies but this turned out to be a huge job.  There are a few more pictures of the shower in the side bar if you'd like to see them.

This is one of my favorite pictures.  Here's Joanne and her sister Janette and Sara....well you might not be able to see Sara.  She's kind of hard to make out but she's right there, in the computer.  Johnny Etchemendy set up a web cam for us to talk to Sara and Bobby in the hospital.  Hizah, she really did come to the shower!


Meanwhile, the whole five hours we frosted, the best dad in the whole world was down in the basement with Pat, doing some major renovations.  The renovations at first were to be very simple - paint and tile.  We already painted, and tore out the floor when we discovered that the inside of the walls in our bathroom and laundry room were rotting away.  BUMMER - we watched our beautiful paint job get torn out along with the shower walls.  We are currently left with lots of tile for our floor and now tile for the shower walls.  Oh, and a big hole in the wall that will have to be repainted when it's fixed.  Again - BUMMER!  But, in the end, we are going to have a really nice bathroom!  Too bad it's not in our master bedroom.  But live and learn - and hey, say goodbye to smelly bathrooms.


Katy said...

Your sugar cookies were so yummy! It was fun to see you last night!

Kath said...

wow.. these are seriously awesome... and WOW TONS OF SUGAR COOKIES!!!

Melanie Herway said...

Smelling rotting bathroom? That kind of reminds me of my smelly clothes from our moldy walls in the Brittany. Anyway, I'm so impressed with your craftiness!! I wish you could teach me, and that I could have one of your most delicious sugar cookies. Oh how I miss those!

David and Megan said...

Cute stuff, Anna. Love the diaper cakes. Where are the diapers, though?

bob and sara rich said...

I'm loving that diaper cake and am so excited to check it out!!! They should call them diaper trees because they are more like Christmas trees with presents all around!!! Thanks for the shower, you guys are great sister-in-laws. I know I would have had a blast and ate way too many of those delectable sugar cookies. Can I have the recipe by the way?! I really loved those ones from Christmas. See you tomorrow hopefully! Happy Valentines to you guys if we don't. :)