
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Turtlenecks and eggnog - There's still nothing else quite like it!

Five years and still running, we just had my annual Turtleneck/eggnog party and for the second year in a row, we combined it with our friend's Lisa and Dustin and their white elephant party. What fun - though I was sad to notice that people are really lax on my rule of wearing turtlenecks - it's pretty self-explanatory!

This year, in addition to the white elephant exchange, we puzzled everyone with a Christmas Carol picture puzzle, Pat's brother and wife, Co
by and Tiffany won.....I think they might cheat.....they won a Christmas Carol word scramble at our cousin's house last week, and they were upstairs away from everyone when they completed the puzzle...hmmm. I'll also except that since the radio plays Christmas songs for two months prior to Dec. 25 they might just know a lot of songs!

We also played the Paper Bag Game (creative name - I know). All you need is a paper bag and scissors and the ability to laugh at yourself and others. Here are a few pictures of people picking up the bag with their teeth - nothing but their foot can touch the ground. Eric Leonard impressed us all with his amazing abilities and Scott Barnes was a CLOSE second! Props to our two yoga-istic friends!

Here's Scott, Ashley Wolfe and Mike Lefler working to get the bag.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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