A little peace and quite with very little in the way of "must do's". My parents were there with us, as were my sister and her family and some cousins in the adjacent cabin that I hadn't seen in a while. to describe it as pleasant would be an understatement.
First, The highs were high 70 low 80, compared to 100 back home. Now there is no A/C at the cabin and the A frame design isn't ideal for even mildly warm weather, but with fans and little home made A/C unit I made it was tolerable.
Amelia went to bear lake last year, but this was the first time she had gotten to really interact with it.
She really enjoyed it, despite the water being somewhere around 60 degrees
We also played in the yard and on the swings
Which she really liked. Looking back on it I don't have a lot of great pictures other than us just hanging out, cause that's basically what we did, and it was great!
Yeah, pretty much this.
We also tried out Paddle boarding (thanks Sonnenbergs!) and some lake golf (don't worry, 100% reclaimed golf balls found in the lake)
Anna has a great swing! This ball, for example, would have really gone far had she hit it.
Also enjoyed were a good fire and great company (not pictured). It was really nice to hang out with Rich and Kate again, Don't stay away for too long next time.
All in all, a great weekend. Its hard to see why Bear Lake is called the Caribbean of the Rockies isn't it?
I put a longish (2 minutes) video in the player above that sums up the scenery and feel of the weekend. If you are on a mobile device or want to see it in full 1080p, Click HERE for the YouTube version.
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