
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Cow Appreciation Day

Friday was National Cow Appreciation Day.  To celebrate, Chick Fil A gave anyone who was dressed up like a cow a free combo meal.  Last year my sisters and their families did it.  This year, Pat and I decided to join the fun.  The things we will do for a free meal!  Of course, this wasn't the first time I've dressed up like a cow.  In high school I got a job at a costume shop.  My job description - dress up like a cow or a gorilla and wave to cars on the street.  I did it, no questions was really good money too!

After our delicious meal of chicken strips, fries and a drink we headed over to REI, with our spots on.  Most of the workers at REI were jealous and started calling their friends to bring them cow stuff so they could get Chick Fil A too.  What a fun place REI is!

Happy Cow Day everyone!

1 comment:

Melanie Herway said...

Oh, I'm so sad I missed it this year. It was one of my favorite days last year