
Friday, March 12, 2010

Pat is sick and has ants in his pants

So i am at home sick today, Anna and i were supposed to use our warren miller passes to ski at the canyons today, but instead I am at home being antsy about what to do.  I dont feel good enough to play outside, but i feel good enough to want to get something done.  So here it is.  I will blog.  I found a fun video today that I did for school and I thought you would like to see it.  This one is called Blu-Fi.  Its a bluegrass sci-fi thriller! check it out


Also, i will be taking photos of our bathroom and some sewing updates on ski pants mark II.  stayed tuned to the "Pats sick and tired of being sick and tired" show!

Here is more video.  This is a long one (30 minutes) and you don't have to watch the whole thing.  its a photomotage of 2008 through music and pictures.  Scrub through it when you have the chance



Brianna and Wade said...

LOL! Oh sorry you are sick! that totally stinks. enjoy your anniversary anyway! Let us know if you need any chicken soup.

Brianna and Wade said...

oh yeah and I loved the video..I literally got all sentimental at the end