
Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Gud Dag!

Hey all you obsesive bloggers out there, and I am not just talking about Amber know who you are. Prepare to be amazed once more at the marvels that accompany sleeplessness...tada! The Pat and Anna Rich's have a blog! Despite desperate resistance, we are bloggin' it up. Not a whole lot new going on, we are just getting ready to get back into the school deal, Anna to work and me to...uh learn. We did have a wicked good honeymoon trip. Check out a few of the pictures on the right; they are great! Anyway, as soon as I figure out this internet thing you will be hearing more from us. In the meantime...have a blogtastical day!


Melanie Herway said...

I know I'm obsessed...SO!! I'm actually not as crazy as some people. Anyway, I'm so glad you did it. It's great to hear what's going on in your lives. What an awesome homeymoon, LOVE the pictures! So fun.
Oh, and I'm sorry to hear about the sleeping, not fun!

The Nielsen Family said...

Hurray! Hurray! You have now joined the blogging clan. If nothing else it's a great way to stay in touch. I loved the Norway pictures, it looks like you guys did some crazy hiking.

Kristen said...

Love it Anna B! I think it is great you have finally decided to come over to the "other side" if that is what you want to call it.